Fentol Plus contains anthelmintics active against gastrointestinal roundworms and tapeworms. The product has three active substances:
- Fenbendazole, a benzimidazole
- Pyrantel embonate, a tetrahydropyrimidine derivative
- Praziquantel, a pyrazinoisoquinoline derivative
Praziquantel causes severe damage to the parasite integument, resulting in the contraction and paralysis of the parasites. Pyrantel embonate induces spastic paralysis of the nematodes and thereby allows removal from the gastro intestinal system by peristalsis. Fenbendazole prevents formation of microtubules resulting in disruption of structures vital to the normal functioning of the helminth.
The activity spectrum covers Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma caninum, Trichuris vulpis, Enchinococcus spp, Taenia spp and Dipylidium caninum.