Intromin Duo Chelate

Mineral Cu/Zn-5% Chelate Oral


  • Copper – 50 mg.
  • Zinc – 50 mg.


Intromin Duo Chelate is a nutritional oral liquid containing copper and zinc and is is a good solution to correct copper and zinc deficiency. In addition, Intromin Duo Chelate boosts the immune system and reduces the chance of infections, improves feed conversion and stimulates growth and contributes to an optimal function of the reproductive system. In this product the essential functions of copper and zinc are combined.


Administration to ovine species.
Administration to animals with known hypersensitivity to cupric substances.
Administration to animals with a seriously impaired hepatic and /or renal function.
Concurrent administration of other forms of copper treatment or supplementation.
Long term usage can interfere with the absorption and utilization of other nutrients.

Side Effects



For oral administration to pigs and poultry.

100 ml Intromin Duo Chelate per 500 - 2000 litres of drinking water.

Note: If there is any doubt about the copper and zinc status, random blood and /or liver samples should be taken prior to treatment.
Do not mix Intromin Duo Chelate with medicines.

Withdrawal Times



Bottle of 1000 ml and jerrycan of 5 litres.

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