
Cloprostenol 0.025% injection


  • Cloprostenol (as sodium) – 250 µg.


Cloprostenol (as sodium) is a synthetic prostaglandin analogue structurally related to prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α). As a potent luteolytic agent it causes functional and morphological regression of the corpus luteum (luteolysis) in Horses and cattle followed by return to oestrus and normal ovulation. It is also indicated for induction of parturition in pigs and synchronisation of oestrus in goats.


- Induction of luteolysis following early foetal death and resorption
- Termination of persistent dioestrus
- Termination of pseudopregnancy
- Treatment of lactation anoestrus
- Establishing oestrous cycles in barren/maiden mares
- As an aid to stud management.

- Suboestrus or non-detected oestrus
- Induction of parturition
- Termination of normal pregnancy
- Termination of abnormal pregnancy
- Mummified foetus
- Hydrops of the foetal membranes
- Chronic endometritis (pyometra)
- Ovarian luteal cysts
- Controlled breeding

- Synchronisation of oestrus.

- Induction of parturition

Note: Care should be taken when handling the product to avoid self-injection or skin contact. Women of childbearing age, asthmatics or other people with bronchial disease should exert extreme caution when handling Cloprochem, as the active substance may induce abortion or acute bronchoconstriction. As cloprostenol is readily absorbed through the skin, gloves should be worn when handling the drug. Any cloprostenol contacting the skin should be washed of immediately using soap and water. Do not inject through wet or dirty skin, and use aseptic techniques with greatest care to avoid post-injection bacterial infection.


Do not administer to pregnant animals, unless the objective is to terminate pregnancy. 
Do not administer intravenously. 
Do not administer to horses intended for human consumption.
Do not use in mares suffering from acute or subacute gastrointestinal or respiratory disorders.

Side Effects

Increased body temperature and salivary secretion in cattle; sweating, increased respiratory and heart rates, ataxia, watery diarrhoea and signs of mild abdominal pain in mares.
When used for induction of parturition or abortion in cattle, an increased incidence of retained foetal membranes (retention secundinarum) or metritis may be observed.
In very rare cases, anaphylactic-type reactions may occur requiring immediate medical attention.


For intramuscular administration.

Thoroughbreds, hunters and heavy horses: single dose of 1 - 2 ml (equivalent to 250 - 500 µg cloprostenol).

Mares: single dose of 1 - 2 ml (equivalent to 250 - 500 µg cloprostenol)
Ponies & donkeys: single dose of 0.5 - 1 ml (equivalent to 125 - 250 µg cloprostenol)

Cattle: single or repeat doses of 2 ml (equivalent to 500 µg cloprostenol)
Goats: single dose of 0.4 - 0.8 ml (equivalent to 100 - 200 µg cloprostenol)

Pigs: single dose of 0.7 ml (equivalent to 175 µg cloprostenol)

Withdrawal Times

- For meat: 1 days.
- For milk: 0 days.

Not for use in horses intended for human consumption.


Bottle of 10 ml.

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