
Calcium & magnesium & boric acid infusion


  • Calcium gluconate for injection – 380 mg.
  • Magnesium chloride hexahydrate – 60 mg.
  • Boric acid – 50 mg.


Calmasol-440 is a well-balanced solution for the treatment of hypocalcaemia in cattle, calves, sheep and pigs. Hypocalcaemia frequently occurs in these animals and is often accompanied by metabolic disorders. The decisive advantage of calcium gluconate is its excellent tissue-tolerance. The solubility of calcium gluconate is increased by adding boric acid and, as a consequence, the necessary quantity of calcium can be administered in marginal volumes. The animal's heart is protected against the cardiotoxic effects of calcium during intravenous application by the addition of magnesium.

Calmasol-440 is also excellent as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of allergies, urticaria, haemorrhagic diathesis and weak uterine contractions in cattle, calves, sheep and pigs.


Calmasol-440 is indicated for the treatment of acute hypocalcemia and for the adjunctive therapy in the treatment of allergies, urticaria, haemorrhagic diathesis and uterine inertia in cattle, calves, sheep and pigs.


Hypercalcaemia and hypermagnesaemia
Calcinosis in cattle and sheep
Use following high dosages of vitamin D3 preparations
Chronic kidney insufficiency
Simultaneous or shortly following intravenous application of inorganic phosphate solutions.


Even when the therapeutic dosage is administered, a transient hypercalcaemia can develop due to the calcium content. This condition manifests itself as follows:
- Initial bradycardia
- Agitation
- Muscular tremors
- Salivation
- Increased respiratory rate

The increase in the heart rate following initial bradycardia is to be taken as the sign of a beginning overdosage. In this case, the infusion must be stopped. Delayed side effects may occur in the form of disorders of the general condition and with symptoms of hypercalcaemia even 6 - 10 hours after the infusion. They should not be incorrectly diagnosed as a recurrent hypocalcaemia.


For slow intravenous administration.

Acute hypocalcaemic conditions:
20 - 30 ml Calmasol-440 per 50 kg b.w., intravenously (equivalent to 0.34 - 0.51 mmol Ca2+ and 0.12 - 0.18 mmol Mg2+ per kg b.w.)

Adjunctive therapy for allergies, urticaria, haemorrhagic diathesis and uterine atony:
15 - 20 ml Calmasol-440 per 50 kg b.w.,
intravenously (equivalent to 0.26 - 0.34 mmol Ca2+ and 0.09 - 0.12 mmol Mg2+ per kg b.w.)

Calves, sheep and pigs:
3 - 4 ml Calmasol-440 per 10 kg b.w.,
intravenously (equivalent to 0.26 - 0.34 mmol Ca2+ and 0.09 - 0.12 mmol Mg2+ per kg b.w.)

The intravenous infusion must be given slowly over a period of 20 - 30 minutes. The specified dosages are standard values. They should always be adapted to the existing deficit and the particular condition of the circulatory system.

The first repeat treatment must not be carried out earlier than 6 hours after the initial treatment. Additional repeat treatments can be given at intervals of 24 hours, when it is assured that the persisting symptoms relate to a maintained hypocalcaemic condition.


- Cattle, calves, sheep:

  Meat and offal: 0 days.
  Milk: 0 days.

- Pigs:
  Meat and offal: 0 days.


Bottle of 500 ml.

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