Amprocox Oral

Amprolium 40% oral liquid


  • Contains per ml:
  • Amprolium (as hydrochloride)
    400 mg.


Amprolium is an anticoccidial (coccidiostat) which belongs to the family of thiamine analogues. It acts by interfering as a competitive antagonist of thiamine (vitamin B1) within thiamine transport mechanisms of Eimeria spp. It affects carbohydrate metabolism required for coccidial multiplication and survival. Upon ingestion of amprolium, the coccidia experience thiamine deficiency and starve from malnutrition. Amprolium is rapidly eliminated (i.e. within hours), predominantly via faeces and to a lesser degree via urine.


Amprocox Oral is indicated for the treatment of intestinal coccidiosis caused by Eimeria spp. susceptible to amprolium in chickens (broilers, pullets, layers and breeder hens) and turkeys.


Do not use Amprocox Oral for preventive treatment.

Side Effects

Overdosage can suppress weight gain in broilers and cause polyneuritis. Long-term administration of amprolium in high doses may result in thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency in the host, with signs of anorexia, depression, lethargy and diarrhoea. In severe cases also neurological signs may become evident. To treat amprolium overdose, thiamine should be administered parenterally or orally. Overdoses may additionally result in cerebrocortical necrosis following prolonged treatment.
As with any antiparasiticide, frequent and repeated use of an antiprotozoal agent of the same class can lead to resistance development. The efficacy of amprolium may also be reduced during the simultaneous administration of products containing vitamin B-complex.
After the end of the medication period the water supply system should be cleaned appropriately to avoid the intake of sub-therapeutic amounts of the active substance. The veterinary medicinal product should not be used in contact with metal pipework or containers.


For oral administration via drinking water.

The general posology is 20 mg/kg body weight per day for 5 to 7 days.

The total body weight of the animals to be treated and their actual daily water consumption should be taken into account. No other source of drinking water should be available during the medication period. Medicated drinking water should be replaced every 24 hours.

Calculate the daily product quantity (ml) required as follows:
Total number of birds x average body weight in kg x 0.05 ml = Total volume (ml) per day

Withdrawal Times

Chickens and turkeys:
- Meat and offal: 0 days.
- Eggs: 0 days.


Bottles of 500 or 1000 ml.

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